Vui cười

How to stay healthy in 2011

Thứ bảy, 09/07/2011, 03:45 GMT+7

1.)       Brush  twice a day!

2.)      Dress  right for the weather.

3.)       Visit  the dentist regularly.  

4.)      Get  plenty of rest.

5.)        Make  sure your hair is dry before going  outside..

6.)      Eat  right.

7.)      Get  outside in the sun every once in a  while.

8.)       Always  wear a seatbelt.

9.)   Control  your drinking of alcoholic  beverages.

10.)  Smile!   It will make you feel better.

11.)     Don't  overindulge yourself.

12.)   Bathe  regularly.

13.)   Read to  exercise the brain.

14.)  Surround  yourself with friends.

15.)   Stay  away from too much caffeine.

16.)  Use the  bathroom regularly.

17.)  Get  plenty of exercise.

18.)   Have  your eyes checked regularly.

19.)  Eat  plenty of vegetables.

20.) Believe  that people will like you for who you  are.

21.)   Forgive  and forget.

22.)  Take  plenty of vacations.

23.)  Celebrate  all special occasions.

24.)   Pick up a hobby.

24.) Love  your neighbour as yourself. 

25.)  Send this to your
computer buds to give  them a warm fuzzy feeling!
Have a BEAUTIFUL day!

Người viết : Dr Vinh


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